The always passionate Celadori Sakai released the following information to her Arachne group yesterday, but whispered in my ear inworld that she wished to open the option to join her group to all of our lovely silk 'n' camisk lovers as well!
All one would have to do to take advantage of the following offer is to either be a member of the Arachne group, or to become one. This is *super* easy... *AND* completely free! Just do a search for Arachne inworld, and click to Join! Easy peasy!!
Now on to the lovely news from Miss Cela...
We all love the silk fat packs, five silks for the price of four. but how often have you wished it could be ANY five silks, not just five of the same style?
Here it is, for a limited time only, Create your Own Fat Pack. Only for group members and only at Arachne.
Conditions (yeah, there are some)
1/ All five silks must be purchased at the same time.
2/ Purchase must be five individual silks.
3/ Offer applies ONLY to purchases made between Aug 27th and Sep 30th.
4/ If you use a Gift Card for any portion of the purchase, your refund will be a gift card. If you pay cash for the entire purchase your refund will be in cash.
5/ The refund will be equal to the value of the lowest priced silks you purchase.
6/ You must be a member of the Arachne Silks group to claim your refund.
7/ you must drop me the notecard within 24 hours of your purchase. Notecard needs to be named "Arachne Rebate - Your Name" and contain a list of the names and prices of all silks purchased.
and thank you to Sienna for the brilliant idea.