There was once a slave girl in the land of Dalmatia. She had been sold into servitude to a sultan by her parents to settle a debt incurred after her father bought what turned out to be worthless desert from an oily fly-by-carpet dealer. All she owned were the clothes on her back; a simple cloth halter and matching dress, almost a loincloth really, and panties. Just before she was handed over to her master, her mother gave her an ancient golden bracelet, and told her to wear it before going to bed.
Now her lustful master intended to make her his latest concubine, one of a hundred other Dalmatian women he had already bedded from around the land. As he was very wealthy, she was fitted with a fine gold collar, and fettered with golden leg and ankle bands. And he had her decorated with a delicate golden bhindi and belly jingle to signify she belonged to him. That evening he had her brought before him. Seeing him unclothed upon his bed, she slipped on the bracelet as her mother instructed.
She immediately began to dance, for the bracelet was enchanted and permitted its wearer to perform any of 10 belly dances. Her master was so entranced that he forgot all about his intentions. After a time she said, "If I wore silks, master, instead of these rags, would I not be even more enchanting?" A short beaded skirt and veils were fetched and she tied them about her waist to obscure her simple shift.On she danced while her Master sat enthralled. Again she spoke, saying, "Would my arms look lovelier if they were also covered in silk?" Her master bade the clothier to immediately fashion delicate silk wings. These caught the desert breeze and fluttered as she spun and cavorted about the camp.
As she continued dancing he fell deeper into her hypnotic spell! She said, "If one silk looks this beautiful imagine what it might look like with a whole skirt of silks?" A full prim dress was quickly custom ordered. She continued to dance, and the last thing her master heard before sufffering a massive coronary was, "Mind if I borrow this turban and veil?"
Features now hidden by the veil, she nonchalantly strolled out of the sultan's tent with a fortune in gold heirlooms and priceless silks, fading into the desert like a mirage. She was last seen in Morocco in the company of two score bandits headed by a man named Baba, first name Ali. There is a $10,000L reward for any information leading to her capture or arrest.
If you want to get into the story, these silks are a steal for only $500L, with all the accessories described above (imagination not included) at the Aeclectic Main Store.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
1,001 Arabian Combinations
(with apologies to Sheherazade)
Posted by Anonymous at 6:10 AM
Labels: Aeclectic Goddess