Monday, January 12, 2009

Bina Tina Slave Livery

Gotta love that sweet taste of India! And Bina has taken that to a whole new level with their gorgeous line of India-inspired camisks! The Tina Slave Livery features a one piece push up top with peek-a-boo detail in both clean and new version and worn and ragged version, beautifully textured fabric in shimmering colors, matching pg panty in two layer options, dazzling beaded chandeleir earrings, beautful bindi jewels for some lovely detail over the eyes, leather thong armbands with matching beaded jewelry, complimenting braclets, leather thong belt, anklets with and without Bina Slave Bell Sound, and a scripted thigh band slave scroll carrier! I simply love the beautiful yet subtle graphics of the fabric, scrolling and ornate to make even the simplest of designs a visual treat! Each color set boasts matching tones of leather and jewelry! A fab addition to anyone's closet! Colors available include: Fern, Blood, Soil, Storm, Coal, and Petal! Simply gorgeous! L$359 per color set or snag the whole line for L$1654!

Bina Slavewear SLURL