Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gorean Wide Grid Hunt!

The Gorean Wide Grid Hunt is now in full swing! Sponsored by Chatka & Curla and backed by tons of amazing designers of the Gor world, this 28 day hunt spans several sims and is a prime opportunity to find new designers! Not to mention each location offers a gift! Just find the talendar flower hidden in each location to recieve your prize and the landmark to the next location!
Here's some more info:

Greetings! Thank you for your interest in the Gorean Grid Wide Hunt. This hunt is a fairly simply one.

Each store will be putting out a Talender flower. It may be small or large. They will hide it within their store.

Inside each Talender is a prize from that store and an LM to the next store in the hunt "trail".

We wish everyone luck. If you have a problem finding a Talender in a particular store, please IM LuckyJade Alter.

Starting Point:

Chatka & Curla SLURL

Good luck everyone! Hope to see you there!