Saturday, May 30, 2009

Expansion Expansion Expansion! Calling all aspiring bloggers!

Hello ladies and gents! Here's the deal... I've been getting tons of requests to expand the blog. To make it bigger, better, with more to see! And I can't tell you how excited I've been just thinking about being able to do that! But most good ideas always hit a snag before they take off! Well here's the snag: I can't do it on my own guys. I need writers. Bloggers. People who care as much about gorean/fantasy wear as I do, who want to get out there and find the hottest designs and share them with all of SL! Of course finding someone who can write, photo, and interact well isn't as easy as it seems! But I'm taking applications for new bloggers at the moment. Qualifications are as follows:
-Must be good with people (we attend tons of events!)
-Must be able to write a good review with constructive criticism (we don't believe in tearing anyone down)
-Must be able to take a good photo (we want to put our best foot forward for the designers we are representing)
- Must be willing to put some honest effort into this blog

Now that being said... I do this blog for free. I don't get paid for it... nobody does. However, the designers are more than generous with giving review copies of their work to us for review. So if this is enough payment for you then please, send me a sample of a review (it can be on any Gorean/fantasy item) and I will be choosing a few new bloggers in the next few weeks!