Friday, July 25, 2008

Arachne Silks Clad Kajir Leathers!

If you like "by the book" Kajira wear... Arachne Silks has something fun for you! The new Clad Kajir line is a by-the-book replication of the
leathers worn by the slaves of the Wagon Peoples of Gor. Each set comes with the leather vest brandished with one of the four different Wagon people brands. It features a sexy mini-vest that can be worn with or without the prim red leather lacing. It has red lacing on the side and panty and leather loin cloth to match! Even comes with red headband and nosering!

" Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red, two black.
A red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long, narrow strip of black leather, fits over this cord in the front, passes under, and then again from the inside, thenpasses over the cord in the back; the Chatka is drawn tight.
The Kalmak is then donned; it is a short, open, sleeveless vest of black leather. And lastly the Koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back. Slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the Koora, worn loose.
I saw several girls, here and there, clad Kajir; they were magnificent; they walked with the true brazen insolence of the slave girl, the wench who knows that she is owned, whom men have found beautiful enough, and exciting enough, to collar. "

Nomads of Gor, pages 29-30

Available in Black with Green, Red, White, Yellow, or Blue accents! *The Red and Black is the one referenced from the book!* Each set only L$325! Get em all for L$1300!

Arachne Silks SLURL