Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Juelle's Silks Scandalous Ta-Teera Set!

Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. "Ta-Teera," she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera. "Ta-Teera," I said. I wore the Ta-Teera. (Slave Girl of Gor, pg. 81)

There's nothing better than a cute Ta-Teera on a nice hot day! Juelle's has come out with a brand new line of Ta-Teera that's cut just right to show any girl in the perfect light! This tinier than tiny piece stretches playfully over the breasts and just barely slinks it's way down to the hips! Nice cut out pattern on the side, and adorable fabric! Available in flowered, plain, or striped fabric as well! Available in Plain Red, Plain Plum, Flowered Light Blue, Flowered White (pictured), Flowered Pink, Flowered Red, Animal Pink, Animal Black, Animal Red, Animal White, Sheer Yellow, Sheer Blue, and Plain Black! Each color set only L$180!

Juelle's Silks SLURL